The Continued Transformation of Campus
The physical transformation of the ASMSA campus began in 2010 with the construction of the $18.4 million Student Center. As the program celebrated twenty years of success, the institution finally had a residential space to match the quality of the academic experience at ASMSA. In 2019, ASMSA opened the school's first new classroom building: the Creativity and Innovation Complex. In 2021, work began on the renovation of the former Chapel and Convent to increase enrollment and provide additional student engagement spaces. In 2022, Helen Selig Hall was rededicated as additional student housing and campus program spaces. To date, the school has invested more than $35 million in the continued modernization and transformation of our downtown campus. With work underway on additional projects and a new 2030 Facilities Plan current in the drafting stage, exciting times are ahead!
To learn more about naming opportunities available within both the Student Center or Creativity and Innovation Complex, please contact Corey Alderdice, ASMSA Executive Director, by email at or by calling (501) 622-5100.
Student Center
As a residential high school, the quality of students' living spaces is one of our top priorities. The ASMSA Student Center is students' home away from home for ten months out of the year. Built in 2012, this state-of-the-art facility houses all ASMSA students in suite-style rooms. All students have a roommate and share a bathroom with two additional students. Each room includes twin XL beds, desks, dressers, chairs, as well as a large closet. Furniture can be rearranged and beds bunked in order to maximize space. In addition to separate wings of the building for male and female students, the Student Center includes the Office of Student Life, security desk, Dolphin Bay Café, Sugg Library Research Center, club rooms, study lounges, and community spaces.
Creativity and Innovation Complex

The $4.7 million, 20,000 square feet Creativity and Innovation Complex is the first new classroom building in the school's twenty-five year history. In addition to the Dan Fredinburg Technology Center, which replaces the spaces in the Pine Street Wing, the CIC also houses the Oaklawn Foundation Community Center, a flexible use space that allows all students and staff to meet together on campus. Computer science classrooms, a digital arts lab, entrepreneurship lab, D-Space, Maker Space, Morris Rehearsal Studio, network infrastructure, and faculty offices are located throughout.
Helen Selig Hall
Restoration of the former chapel and covent as Helen Selig Hall was completed in Fall 2022. The $5.5 million project creates an additional 26 beds and increases enrollment by 10%. The facility also includes a new campus Mental Health Hub, kitchen, Student Union, conference room, and auditorium that offer not only spaces and programs for students but also all members of ASMSA's community of learning.
Campus Administration Building
Part of the campus' transition out of the former hospital complex involves moving faculty to the current Academic and Administration Building from the former hospital. Administrative functions such as finance, HR, development, admissions, and the director will be relocated to the new building that links the academic and residential zones of campus. The location of the building also serves to address campus ADA accessibility issues while visually completing the Student Center Courtyard.
Future Projects
Campus Green Space
ASMSA received a $75,000 grant from the Blue and You Foundation in 2022 to install a vertical hydroponic container farm garden on campus. In previous studies, ASMSA students have requested additional informal spaces to gather, study, and simply enjoy downtime together. Campus leadership has brought these two notions together in the planned outdoor Green Space in the area behind the Student Center.
Future Housing Expansion
The original vision for ASMSA included supporting 300 residential students on campus. Over the past 30 years, the school has not fulfilled that vision with ASMSA's current enrollment capacity at 260 residential students. As part of the 2025 Strategic Plan, ASMSA has begun discussions on what additional state investment will be needed to grow enrollment. Part of that equation includes additional housing. The concept above is a proposed 20,000 square feet residence hall with 40 suite-style rooms similar to the Student Center with a campus fitness center located on the ground floor.