Arts and Humanities Department
The Arts and Humanities department believes in developing the whole student and helping prepare young people to enter an increasingly fragmented and complex world. Critical thinking, a keen eye and ear for aesthetic judgment, and the ability to express oneself in writing and in speech have never been more important tools for thriving in our modern world.
All students will take Composition I and II as well as an upper-level literature course to satisfy graduation requirements. Students entering as sophomores will additionally take Sophomore English. Most students will also take some or all of the following courses to satisfy graduation requirements: American Studies/U.S. History, Economics, a Fine Art, Government, Speech, World History/Studies, and two years of the same foreign language. Many courses in the Humanities and Fine Arts receive college credit through the University of Arkansas System, and those are designated below.
Additionally, all students are able to take introductory art and music classes, as well as become part of one of the music performance ensembles. For students desiring more advanced training in the humanities or fine arts, we offer a variety of specialized courses, including six different Capstone courses (more than any other department). Each school year culminates in the annual Arts and Humanities Capstone Research Symposium, a celebration of exploration and inquiry probing necessary and vital questions in the humanities and arts.
Additional Information
Department Chair: Dr. Mary Leigh
A list of the Arts and Humanities Department instructors and their bios can be found in the Faculty & Staff Directory.
Investing in the Arts
ASMSA has made and continues to make substantial investments in the Arts, particularly with regard to Visual Art, Digital Art, and Music. In addition to more than $250,000 of investments and grants, three dedicated faculty in visual arts provide extensive opportunities for students to excel in ceramics, sculpture, painting, woodworking, and digital art. In addition, the institution features a robust music program that offers Concert Band, Choir, Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Band, and String Ensembles in addition to numerous music courses. Both visual art and music programs offer a broad curriculum with many courses earning college credit as well as opportunities for deeper study as Capstone focuses.
Check out ASMSA student art works and projects on the ASMSA Art + Design Instagram account.
The Muse is an annual publication of ASMSA student creative works across a variety of forms and media.

The Sounds of Success
Since the addition of a full-time faculty member in Music in 2018, ASMSA has gone from one small concert band to a Wind Ensemble of fifty to sixty students, a Jazz Band of around twenty students, numerous chamber ensembles, and a small string ensemble. All musicians are welcomed at ASMSA. The Wind Ensemble typically performs four concerts per year of advanced high school level and early university level pieces and many of its students excel in regional and state-level auditions and contests. The ASMSA Choir and the Folk Music and Acoustics class create additional opportunities for students to perform, excel, and be part of a community within a community.
( * denotes college-credit course)
English, Literature, and Writing
- English Composition I* & II*
- Sophomore English
- American Literature*
- Ancient Greek Literature*
- African-American Literature*
- Austen and Brontë in Film and Literature*
- British Novel*
- British Women Writers*
- Gender and Literature*
- Japanese Novels
- Literature of the American South*
- Modern American Novel*
- Philosophy in Literature*
- Poetry
- Sherlock Holmes and Popular Culture
- Special Topics in Literature
- Survey of British Writers*
- Survey of World Literature*
Global Languages
- French I, II, III, IV, V*
- Spanish II, III, IV, V*
- Japanese I, II, III
History, Social Sciences, and Civics
- American Military History
- American Studies* (team-taught history and literature)
- Cold War and Film
- Economics with Personal Finance
- Infectious Diseases
- Psychology
- Psychological Disorders
- Sociology
- Speech*
- S. Government
- S. History II*
- World History II*
- World Religions*
Health and Wellness
- Health Education
- Physical Education
- Applied Brass Lessons
- Applied Composition Lessons
- Applied Percussion Lessons
- Applied Strings Lessons
- Applied Woodwind Lessons
- The Beatles (literature and music)
- Choir
- Folk Music and Acoustics* (music and physics)
- Fundamentals of Music
- History of Blues and Rock*
- Jazz Ensemble
- Music History and Literature
- Music Theory I* & II*
- String Ensemble
- Wind Ensemble
- World Music*
Visual Arts and Design
- 2-D Art and Design*
- 3-D Art and Design*
- Art History
- Ceramics I (Hand-built Ceramic Sculpture)
- Ceramics II (Wheel-Thrown Ceramics)
- Ceramics III (Alternative Firing Methods)
- Digital Art
- Digital Photography
- Drawing I & II*
- Graphic Design*
- Humanities through the Arts*
- Introduction to Fused Glass
- Modern Design
- Painting I & II*
- Senior Art Studio/Portfolio
- Yearbook
- Creative Writing (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry)
- Film (production and screenwriting)
- Humanities (focuses on history or literature)
- Music (composition/creation, performance)