The Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts 2015-16 Science and Arts Café lecture series will feature Henderson State University professor Dr. Travis Langley and several ASMSA faculty members.
The Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts and the Lakeside School District are offering their students a unique opportunity — the ability to study Japanese from a native speaker.
Seven students at the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts have been named 2016 National Merit Scholarship Competition Semifinalists.
The Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts Class of 2015 posted the highest average composite score on the ACT of any graduating class in the 23-year history of the school.
Students from low-income families who are potential candidates for admission to the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts will each be receiving a high-quality, refurbished computer donated by the Arkansas Capital Corporation Group of Little Rock.
The Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts invites institutions of higher education to participate in the 2015 ASMSA College Fair on Sept. 28.
Daniel Moix, the computer science education specialist for the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts, has been named a finalist for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
Carl Frank, a computer science instructor at the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts, is the Computer Science Teachers Association Advocate of the Year.