Humanities Instructor
Phone: 501.622.5197

Ernestine Ross received a B.A. in sociology and an M.A. in counseling from Henderson State University. Before coming to ASMSA, Mrs. Ross was the area director for the federally funded JTPA program, which provides job training for high school students.
Mrs. Ross is involved in community work and her local church. She is a member of the Institutional Review Board at St.Joseph's Hospital, as well as a former member of the Webb Center, Senior Companions’ program, Red Cross Review Committee, and the Grand Jury Selection Committee. Ross is the COGIC's II Jurisdiction State President of the Business and Professional Women's Federation. She is also the supervisor of the Hot Springs District Women's Department.
She teaches a variety of courses for the Humanities Department, including African American Literature, Sociology, Psychology, American Studies, and Junior English Composition.