Debate team earns recognition at Bentonville tourney

The Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts Debate Team won seven medals at the Bentonville Tiger’s Eye Classic debate tournament held Sept. 30-Oct. 1.

Individual students who earned recognition include:

  • Avery Binuya, second place, Novice Congressional Debate;
  • Daniel Nkunga, fourth place, Novice Congressional Debate;
  • Cyrus Sorsby. fourth place, Prose;
  • Kuhno Lee, fifth place, Big Questions Debate;
  • Madison Arenaz, sixth place, Varsity Lincoln Debate;
  • Linden Mixon, eighth place, Varsity Congressional Debate; and
  • Isaura Funes, 12th place, Varsity Congressional Debate.

The Tiger’s Eye Classic included more than 700 students from 23 schools and two states. ASMSA took a team of eight, four of which competed in their first tournament. Arenaz and Fuenes are team captains while Binuya served as the team’s tournament captain.



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