Seward receives recognition from University of Chicago

Nicholas Seward, a computer science instructor at the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts, has been selected to receive the University of Chicago Outstanding Educator Award.

The university asks students in each year’s incoming class to nominate an educator whose guidance has helped them along the path toward intellectual growth and made a positive impact in their lives.

Seward was nominated by David “Trey” Clark, a member of ASMSA’s Class of 2022 who is a freshman at the University of Chicago this fall. Clark was a student in several of Seward’s computer science classes. Seward also served as the sponsor for the Robotics Club and the Computer Science Club, both in which Clark was involved.

Seward said he was pleased to see Clark succeed and be accepted to the University of Chicago.

“I try really hard to set my students up for success,” Seward said. “If I do it right, they will move on to bigger and better things. It warms my heart to see students go on to be successful while thing I was an important part of their journey.”

Seward credited Clark for building a positive relationship not only with himself but with his fellow students as well.

“I would like to give Trey a lot of credit for being the catalyst for us building such a robust relationship. He would be sure to invite me to do activities with other students such as game night. He helped build a positive culture in both Robotics and CompSciClub that is still felt,” Seward said.

All award winners receive a commemorative award, certificate and letter that includes details from the student who nominated them. School administrators of the schools at which the winners teach are also notified about the award.

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