• School Nurse

    At ASMSA

Flu vaccine clinic - Oct. 10, 2024

The annual flu vaccine clinic will be October 10, 2024. This is for all students, faculty and staff. The Garland County Health Unit will be administering the vaccine. Information about the vaccine and the necessary forms you need to complete are available under the Related tab on the right of this page. Both the FERPA and the State Flu form (front and back) must be turned in to receive the vaccine.

Please fax completed forms to the nurse's office at (501) 622-5462 or mail them to ASMSA, Attn: Nurse Monica Ward, 200 Whittington Ave., Hot Springs, AR 72901 or email to wardm@asmsa.org.

General Operations

During the school day, the Nurses's Office is staffed by a registered nurse who offers treatment and coordinates appointments and prescriptions with local doctors upon the student or parent's request. Professional staff members are on call in the evening and overnight hours should medical emergencies arise.

Should a student become ill during the school day, he or she should report to the Nurse's Office. If a student becomes ill after 3:30 p.m. on weekdays or during the weekend, he or she should report to a Residential Life staff member. The nurse performs first aid services and health care counseling; however, she is not prepared to act as a student's physician in the event of serious illness or emergencies.

The nurse will schedule medical appointments in the Hot Springs area as needed. Parents may request a specific physician in the Hot Springs area. Parents may schedule appointments with physicians of their choice out of town. Before a student is taken to the doctor every attempt will be made to reach his or her parent or guardian.

Students are not allowed to drive themselves to or from medical appointments unless they obtain approval in writing from the Dean of Residential Affairs. Residential Life staff will drive students to medical appointments in Hot Springs. Parents are responsible for arranging transportation outside Hot Springs.

The following information is needed for each student's medical file:

  • Record of Immunization. A copy must be obtained at the student's home school and sent to ASMSA. Immunizations must be current as stipulated by Arkansas law.
  • The ASMSA Health Information/Medical Treatment Form. This form is important because it authorizes a doctor or hospital to provide treatment for both non-emergency and emergency situations when the parent or guardian is not present.


Parents must notify the school in writing of their student's prescription and over the counter medication. Parents must regularly update this information. Failure to notify the school of a change to the approved medications a student may possess could result in disciplinary action.

All prescription medication must be on record in the Nurse's Office. Most prescription medication will be kept in the Nurse's Office. Students may obtain medication from the nurse on an as-needed basis. Students may keep some prescription medications in their room only with prior approval of the nurse and written permission from the student’s parent. When the nurse is off campus, Residential Life staff may access the Nurse's Office for the purpose of dispensing medication to students. The nurse will maintain a log of all medication and dosage given to students. Prescription medications are not to be transferred between students. Improper use of prescription or non-prescription drugs is a Level 5 violation (automatic suspension).

Allergy shots are not administered on campus but will be coordinated at a local clinic if students cannot have this done while at home.

School Nurse

Monica Ward, Nurse

Telephone: 501-622-5202
Office: 1st floor, Student Center
Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday


Prescription medications for attention issues, psychotropic medications, and narcotic pain medications MUST BY LAW be under lock and key and ONLY administered by the nurse or trained medication staff. Please help us adhere to the Law and do not allow your child to keep this medication in his or her possession.

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