ASMSA's Talent Identification Program (ASMSA-TIP) is designed for gifted Arkansas sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders. By providing tailored educational experiences and fostering social and emotional well-being, ASMSA-TIP empowers gifted students to reach their full potential. By providing resources and insight into the unique needs of gifted students, ASMSA-TIP helps parents and guardians holistically support their child's development and progress.

No fees are charged at this point in the process.  Please complete and submit the registration form even if you plan to request a fee waiver. Registration for the 2024-25 academic year is open.

How Does ASMSA-TIP Identify Talent?

ASMSA-TIP candidates are current sixth-, seventh-, and 8th-grade students who have met any one of the three criteria:

  • The student scored in the 90th percentile on one or more subtests of a state or national standardized exam, like the ACT Aspire, MAP testing.
  • The student has been formally identified as gifted or talented by their school district.
  • The student has been recommended as gifted or talented by a teacher, administrator, or educational community leader (Scout leader, camp counselor, etc.).
Math Classroom

What Does Participation in ASMSA-TIP Look Like for a Student?

At the center of all of our ASMSA-TIP programming is a drive to engage student curiosity and help students ignite their passion for learning. Program participation may look different for students in different grade levels; however, all ASMSA-TIP students & families will receive:

  • Monthly E-Newsletter with announcements about programming and upcoming events, resources, and opportunities for students and families.
  • Access to live virtual workshops, webinars, and networking events with GT professionals.
  • Membership in the ASMSA-TIP AGATE Affiliate Group.
  • Invitations to join competitive events like the AMC 8 as an “individual” (separate from the student’s current school district).
  • Ability to participate in ASMSA-TIP events on our campus and beyond.

Each grade level also receives its own unique benefits for students and their families:

6th Grade (Free)

  • All general program perks as described above.
  • Ability to apply for Summer@ASMSA Day Camp.

7th Grade ($95)

  • All general program perks as described above.
  • ACT Exam Voucher which can be used for any 2024-2025 National Test Date to take the ACT as an above-level test.
  • Personalized guidance on ACT scores and results.
  • Ability to apply for specific Summer@ASMSA programs.
  • Opportunity to be recognized for ACT performance in our annual recognition ceremony.

8th Grade ($95)

  • All general program perks as described above.
  • ACT Exam Voucher which can be used for any 2024-2025 National Test Date to take the ACT as an above-level test.
  • Personalized guidance on ACT scores and results.
  • Opportunity to be recognized for ACT performance in our annual recognition ceremony.

8th Grade ASMSA-TIP Alumni (Free)
(For students who participated in ASMSA-TIP and reported their ACT score to ASMSA in 7th Grade)

  • All general program perks as described above.
  • Continued support and guidance in interpreting ACT scores.
  • Early access to ACT Prep Courses hosted by ASMSA.
Image of an ASMSA student

How Much Does It Cost to be a Part of ASMSA-TIP?

For our 6th-grade participants and our 8th-grade ASMSA-TIP Alumni (students who took the ACT and sent their score to ASMSA in their 7th-grade year), there is no cost to participate in ASMSA-TIP.

For our 7th-grade participants and 8th-grade participants who will be taking the ACT as an above-level test, the program fees are $95 per student. This fee covers all costs associated with taking the ACT and the personalized programming provided to testing students. Fee waivers may be available to families with exceptional financial need. Contact us at for more details regarding a fee waiver.

How Do I Enroll or Recommend a Student?

If you are a parent/guardian:

  1.  Complete and submit the registration form, which can be found by clicking here. If your program has fees, no fees are charged at this point in the process. Please complete and submit the registration form even if you plan to request a fee waiver.
  2. ASMSA staff will process your student’s registration. If there are program fees associated with your registration, an invoice will be sent to the email provided in the registration form.
  3. After payment has been made or fee waiver has been processed (if applicable), an email will be sent to the email address provided during registration notifying you of your student’s enrollment in ASMSA-TIP along with any next steps.

If you are an educator:

ASMSA-TIP strongly encourages educators to recommend students and share program information with families who may benefit from the program. We have a variety of resources available to make the recommendation process easier for you! If you would like to request copies of these resources, please contact our office at

My Student has Been Enrolled in ASMSA-TIP… Now What?

Welcome to the ASMSA-TIP community! Here are some next steps:

  1. If your 7th- or 8th-grade student has received their voucher to take the ACT, identify a test date and register for the test. We have compiled a “how-to” guide (link coming soon) to help your family register for the ACT.
  2. Monthly newsletters and other communication will be sent to the primary email address we have on file for your family. Make sure that emails from are not sent to your spam folder.
  3. Check out upcoming ASMSA events and get involved with our community of learning.
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